Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Three Things I Learned from the #AmtrakResidency for Writers

No, I haven’t been accepted. Given the odds, I might get a letter to Hogwarts before Amtrak gives me a ride on the rails. No matter: It’s already benefited my writing in three valuable ways.
  1. I updated my blog...for the first time in almost a year. (I call myself a writer?) The social nature of the #AmtrakResidency reminded me of how awful I am about blogging. To be fair, I’ve been writing a lot. And blogging isn’t for everyone. Yet I rarely write for myself. Writing this shameless and self-promoting post reminded me how fun it is to play with my own words.
  2. I connected with other writers. Writers are a funny bunch. Programs like #AmtrakResidency set us up as competitors. Yet the writers I know are incredibly supportive. I've been propped up more times than I can count. I hope I do the same for other writers.
  3. I counted my blessings. The #AmtrakResidency reminded me that I’m already living the dream. I make a living as a writer. Sure, I have plenty of room to grow. And the dedicated time and space the program provides could help push my writing to the next level. But I’m darn lucky, even if Amtrak tells me I’m staying put. 
Thanks for the opportunity for reflection, #AmtrakResidency. Cheers to the writers you select, and *fingers crossed* maybe one will be me.



  1. I just found out about the Amtrack Residency last week and think it's just the coolest idea. I hope you win one of the slots!
